1. Overture Prologue
1a. Prologue
(The music begins. As a
Voice-Over begins the Prologue: the curtain rises to reveal a young man of indeterminate age and noble bearing, standing in
the doorway of a majestic castle.)
NARRATOR: Once upon a time, in a faraway land, A young Prince lived in a shining
castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, The Prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind.
(The light
reveals an old Beggar Woman.)
But then, one winter's night, An old beggar woman came to the castle And offered
him a single Rose In return for shelter from the bitter cold.
(The actors pantomime the action as the Narrator continues.)
by her haggard appearance, The Prince sneered at the gift, And turned the old woman away. But she warned him not
to be deceived by appearances, For Beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again, The old woman's ugliness
melted away To reveal a beautiful Enchantress.
(She is transformed into an Enchantress. He falls to his knees, begging
The Prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, For she had seen that there was no love in
his heart. And as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast, And placed a powerful spell on the castle, And
all who lived there.
(We can see that the young man has been transformed into the Beast. He holds the Magic Mirror.)
of his monstrous form, The beast concealed himself inside his castle, With a magic mirror as his only window to the
outside world.
(The Rose appears.)
The Rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, Which would bloom
for many years.
(The Beast covers it with a glass dome for protection.)
If he could learn to love another, And
earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, Then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed
to remain a beast for all time.
(The Beast gazes at the Rose…trapped, forlorn and hopeless.)
As the years
passed, He fell into despair, and lost all hope, For who could ever learn to love...a Beast?
Scene 1a: The
Town (Belle, Gaston, Lefou, Silly Girls, Villagers)
2. Belle
(Belle is revealed. As the Narrator finishes
the Prologue, the sun begins to rise and we see the silhouette of a small town.)
(A charming, provincial French village)
BELLE: Little
town, it's a quiet village Ev'ry day like the one before Little town full of little people Waking up to say…
enter and begin to bustle about their daily business.)
FISH MAN: Bonjour!
MAN: Bonjour!
BAKER: Bonjour!
(The Baker carries a tray of rolls)
BELLE: There
goes the baker with his tray, like always The same old bread and rolls to sell Ev'ry morning just the same Since
the morning that we came To this poor provincial town
BAKER: Good Morning, Belle!
BELLE: Good morning,
BAKER: And where are you off to, today?
BELLE: The bookshop. I just finished the most wonderful
story About a beanstalk and an ogre and a -
(But he’s not interested. He yells over his shoulder to his wife.)
That's nice. Marie! The baguettes! Hurry up!
(Belle sighs…never mind. She continues on her way. Various
townspeople talk about her as she passes.)
ARISTOCRATIC LADY / LADY WITH CANE: Look there she goes that girl is
strange, no question Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?
any crowd
CANDLE MAN / FISH MAN: 'Cause her head's up on some cloud
SOME VILLAGERS: No denying she's a
funny girl that Belle
HAT SELLER: Bonjour!
HAT SELLER: How is your
MILKMAID: Bonjour!
MILKMAID: How is your wife?
CANE: I need six eggs!
ARISTOCRATIC LADY: That's too expensive!
BELLE: There must be more than this
provincial life!
(Belle walks to the Book Shop. A kindly Bookseller turns around, pleased to see her.)
BELLE: Good morning, sir. I've come to return the book I borrowed.
BOOKSELLER: Finished already?
I couldn't put it down. Have you got anything new?
BOOKSELLER: (He chuckles.) Not since yesterday.
BELLE: That's
all right. I'll borrow . . . . this one!
BOOKSELLER: That one? But you've read it twice!
BELLE: Well,
it's my favorite! Far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise
like it all that much, it's yours!
BELLE: But sir!
BELLE: Thank you.
Thank you very much!
(She exits and continues through town.)
VILLAGERS: Look there she goes that girl is
so peculiar I wonder if she's feeling well
ALL FEMALE VILLAGERS: With a dreamy, far-off look
VILLAGERS: And her nose stuck in a book
ALL VILLAGERS: What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle
sits on a fountain, engrossed in her book.)
BELLE: Oh, isn't this amazing? It's my fav'rite part because ---
you'll see Here's where she meets Prince Charming But she won't discover that it's him 'til chapter three!
LADY: Now it's no wonder that her name means "Beauty" Her looks have got no parallel
HATSELLER: But behind
that fair facade I'm afraid she's rather odd
EGGMAN: Very diff'rent from the rest of us
nothing like the rest of us
ALL VILLAGERS: Yes, diff'rent from the rest of us is Belle!
(We hear a loud gunshot.
Lefou rushes onstage, holding a gunnysack open toward the sky…ready to catch the fallen prey.)
LEFOU: I got
it. I got it. I got…(duck drop) Wow!
(A large duck drops onstage, missing the bag entirely. He quickly picks
it up, drops it into the bag as Gaston enters. He carries a large smoking gun. Gaston is a very handsome, rude, narcissistic,
egomaniacal hunter who is willing to go to any lengths to get what he wants. Lefou is his dim-witted hanger-on.)
didn't miss a shot, Gaston! You're the greatest hunter in the whole world!
GASTON: I know.
beast alive stands a chance against you. --- And no girl, for that matter.
GASTON: It's true, LeFou. And I've
got my sights set on that one.
LEFOU: The inventor's daughter?
GASTON: She's the one - the lucky girl I'm
going to marry.
LEFOU: But she's -
GASTON: The most beautiful girl in town.
LEFOU: I know,
but -
GASTON: That makes her the best. (He grabs Lefou in a beefy hand and pulls him up nose-to-nose.) And
don't I deserve the best?
LEFOU: Of course you do!
(Gaston drops Lefou and sings.)
from the moment when I met her, saw her I said she's gorgeous and I fell Here in town there's only she Who is beautiful
as me So I'm making plans to woo and marry Belle
(He strides across the stage toward Belle, crossing in front of
three twittering Silly Girls. They swoon as he passes.)
SILLY GIRLS: Look there he goes Isn't he dreamy? Monsieur
Gaston Oh he's so cute! Be still my heart I'm hardly breathing He's such a tall, dark, strong and handsome brute!
(The stage comes alive as villagers crowd through the marketplace.)
GASTON: Pardon
ARISTOCRATIC LADY: You call this bacon?
MILK MAID: What lovely
BAKER: Some cheese…
LADY WITH CANE: Ten yards!
FISH MAN: One pound
GASTON: 'Scuse
MALE VILLAGER: I'll get the knife
GASTON: Please let me through!
bread -
ALL MALE VILLAGERS: Madame's mistaken.
so Good morning! There must be more than this provincial life!
ALL VILLAGERS: GASTON: Oh, good morning!
Just watch, I'm going to make Belle my wife!
ALL VILLAGERS: Look there she goes The girl is strange but special A
most peculiar mad'moiselle!
ALL FEMALE VILLAGERS: It's a pity and a sin
quite fit in
ALL VILLAGERS: 'Cause she really is a funny girl A beauty but a funny girl She really is a funny
girl That Belle!
(Feeling their eyes on her, Belle whirls around and the townsfolk quickly go back to their activities.
The Villagers exit. Belle heads for home. Gaston and Lefou are close behind Belle. Gaston runs around in front of her…striking
a nonchalant pose.)
Scene 1b: The Town (Gaston, Lefou, Belle, Maurice)
2a. Belle Playoff
GASTON Hello…Belle.
BELLE Bonjour,
(She keeps going, but he moves over to block her way.)
Excuse me.
(She goes around him…He
snatches the book out of her hand.)
BELLE Gaston. May I have my book, please?
GASTON (flicking through
it) How can you read this? There’s no pictures.
BELLE Well, some people use their imagination!
it’s about time you got your head out of these books and paid attention to more important things.
(He strikes
a handsome pose.)
LEFOU Hint…hint.
BELLE Like you?
GASTON Exactly! The whole town’s
talking about it. It’s not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting ideas and…thinking!
BELLE Gaston,
you are positively primeval!
GASTON Why, thank you, belle. Whaddya say you and me take a walk over to the tavern
and take a look at my trophies?
BELLE What do you say…we don’t?
GASTON Come on Belle, I think
I know how you feel about me.
BELLE You can’t even imagine.
(He grabs her again. She pulls his hands
BELLE Gaston, please! I have to get inside to help my father.
(She turns around and heads for her
LEFOU That crazy old fool. He needs all the help he can get!
(Gaston and Lefou laugh heartily.)
talk about my father that way!
(Gaston THUNKS Lefou on the head.)
GASTON Yeah! Don’t talk about her
father that way!
BELLE My father’s not crazy! He’s a genius!
2b. Maurice’s Entrance
a cacophony of toots, bells and whistles as Belle’s slightly addled genius inventor father, Maurice, brings his colorful
invention onstage. He waves merrily…and BOOM! Part of the invention blows up.)
BELLE (Alarmed) Papa!
LEFOU What’s a genius?
(Gaston THUNKS him again.)
GASTON (He puts Lefou out of earshot
of Belle and Maurice.) Now, Lefou, I want you to go out into the woods and bring me back the biggest, healthiest deer you
can find.
LEFOU Not the woods! Anything but the woods! You know I hate the woods.
GASTON Just get
me a deer for my wedding feast!
LEFOU But I hate the woods! It’s dark and spooky, and there’s bugs
and spiders!
(Gaston picks Lefou up and they exit.)
BELLE Papa, are you all right?
fine. But I can’t for the life of me figure out…why that happened?! If that isn’t the stubbornest piece
of… (He kicks it.) OW!
BELLE Papa…!
MAURICE I’m about ready to give up on this hunk
of junk!
BELLE Oh, you always say that.
MAURICE I mean it this time! I’ll never get this bone-headed
contraption to work!
BELLE Yes, you will. And you’ll win first prize at the Faire tomorrow.
MAURICE (sulking)
BELLE And become a world famous inventor.
MAURICE You really think so?
BELLE You know
I do. I always have.
MAURICE Well, we’d better get cracking. This thing’s not going to fix itself.
Now let me see, where did I put that dog-legged clencher?
(Belle picks up a funny-looking part
and holds it out to him helpfully. He takes it from Belle and uses it to work on the invention – turning, twisting,
MAURICE So…tell me, did you have a good time in town today?
BELLE I got a new book.
MAURICE You do love those books.
BELLE Well…they take me away to wonderful places where there’s
adventure and mystery and romance and…happy endings.
(a beat)
Papa…if I ask you something, will
you answer me honestly?
MAURICE Don’t I always?
BELLE: Do you think I'm...odd?
daughter odd?
(He reappears with a silly looking work helmet with goggles.)
Where did you get an idea like
3. No Matter What
BELLE: I don't know. It's just that, well, people talk.
talk about me, too.
MAURICE: No, I’m not odd, nor you No family ever saner Except one uncle who...well,
maybe let that pass In all you say or do You couldn't make it plainer You are your mother's daughter; therefore you
are class
BELLE: So I should just accept I'm simply not like them
MAURICE: They are the common herd And
you should take my word You are unique: creme de la creme No matter what you do I'm on your side And if my point
of view Is somewhat misty-eyed There's nothing clearer in my life Than what I wish and feel for you And that's
a lot... No matter what
BELLE: No matter what they say You make me proud I love the funny way You stand
out from the crowd
MAURICE: It's my intention my invention Shows the world out there one day Just what we've
BELLE: No matter what
MAURICE: Now some may say all fathers just exaggerate
ev'ry daughter's great?
MAURICE: You are!
BELLE: And ev'ry daughter tends to say her father's tops
pulls out all the stops To praise him
BELLE: And quite rightly!
MAURICE: No matter what the pain We've
come this far I pray that you remain Exactly as you are This really is a case of father knowing best
daughter too!
MAURICE: You're never strange
BELLE: Don't ever change
BOTH: You've all I've got No
matter what.
3a. No Matter What - Reprise
MAURICE Now…what do you say we give her a try?
MAURICE You get the logs…All right…stand back. Here we go.
(He pulls lever and the invention
slowly chugs to life.)
BELLE It works!
MAURICE It does? It does!
BELLE Papa, you did it! You
really did it! You’ll win First Prize at the Faire tomorrow, I know it!
MAURICE Who knows, maybe I will at
BELLE Oh, I almost forgot! (She puts a scarf around his neck) I made you a scarf for good luck.
I know I’ll win. Ant then, we’ll get out of this town and travel to all those places you’ve read about in
your books. Well, I’m off!
BELLE Goodbye Papa.
MAURICE Bye bye, Belle.
BELLE Be careful!
2: The Forest (Maurice, Wolves)
(As he sings, his mood begins to change from jaunty to nervous.)
prize is nearly mine It's quite my best invention So simple, yet complex; So massive, yet so small This triumph
of design Will be my old-age pension
(He looks around, concerned)
That is, provided I can find the fair at
all I must have missed a sign... I should have paid attention...Drat!
(He looks back. We hear a howl.)
not a nightingale, and not a mating call.
(Another howl.)
4. The Wolf Chase #1
wolves appear. They advance on him, growling and snarling.)
MAURICE Stay back…back! Help! Someone help me!
Get back! Help!
(Maurice drops the scarf and makes a run for it. The castle door is revealed. Maurice bangs on the
MAURICE Let me in! Let me in!
(The door opens)
Scene 3: The Castle Interior (Maurice, Cogsworth,
Lumiere, Babette, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Beast)
(The castle interior is revealed. Maurice steps inside, awed by size and
scale of the place. It appears hollow, lifeless, and empty, like a deserted cathedral.)
voice echoes in the vastness.)
(Maurice proceeds cautiously, looking around. As he does, the
lights come up to reveal an ornate human-sized Candelabra and a mantle clock. The Candelabra, MONSIEUR LUMIERE, is a charming,
very French Maitre D’ who fancies himself a ladies man. COGSWORTH, the mantle clock, is an officious manic English Major
Domo. Someone wound him up way too tight and he’s never wound down. Lumiere and Cogsworth stand side-by-side, motionless,
but whispering feverishly, as Maurice wanders past them.)
COGSWORTH Well, now you’ve done it! I told you not
to let him in!
LUMIERE We could not leave him for the wolves!
MAURICE Is anyone home?
we keep quiet, maybe he’ll go away.
MAURICE Is someone here?
COGSWORTH Not a word, Lumiere, not
one word!
MAURICE I don’t mean to intrude, but I’ve lost my way in the woods and I need a place to stay
for the night.
LUMIERE Poor fellow. Oh, Cogsworth, have a heart. Monsieur, you are welcome here!
flicks on one of his candle hands. It bursts into flame. Cogsworth quickly steps forward and blows the flame out.)
heard that! I know there’s someone here and I’ll thank you to step out where I can see you!
(Lumiere steps
(Startled, Maurice jumps back.)
COGSWORTH And good-bye!
(Cogsworth starts pushing him toward the door.)
MAURICE Wait…wait…wait! You’re a clock!
And you’re talking!
COGSWORTH Astonishing, isn’t it? And quite inexplicable. Good-bye.
(He continues
pushing him toward the door.)
LUMIERE Cogsworth! I’m surprised at you. Where are your manners…?
got to get him out of here before the Master finds out!
MAURICE This is incredible! How is this accomplished?
pokes and prods Cogsworth curiously.)
COGSWORTH Really sir…if you’d just… (Maurice pokes him in
the eye.) Ow!
COGSWORTH Stop that! Hee-hee…stop it…stop it, I say!
(Maurice opens Cogsworth’s
pendulum door.)
COGSWORTH Really, sir…do you mind?
(He slams the doors shut. Maurice stops his investigation
and scratches his head.)
MAURICE Well, I’m stumped. Maybe it’s some kid of a new-fangled scientific
COGSWORTH I…sir…a not a gadget!
MAURICE I beg your pardon. I don’t mean to be
rude. It’s just that I’ve never seen a ta...a tal…a talking…AAAACHOOOO!
COGSWORTH (arch) Bless
LUMIERE You’re chilled to the bone, Monsieur. Come. Warm yourself by the fire.
I forbid it!
(Ignoring him, Lumiere takes Maurice’s arm and leads him across the stage to a large overstuffed
chair. Cogsworth rushes after them.)
COGSWORTH Lumiere…as head of this household, I demand that you stop
right there!
(Maurice sinks into the overstuffed chair)
Ohhh, not the Master’s chair! I’m not seeing
this. I’m not seeing this.
(Babette, the Feather duster enters.)
BABETTE Oooh la la…what have
we here? Do my eyes deceive me or is this a man? It’s been so long since I’ve seen a real man. (aside) No offense,
Lumiere. Bonjour Monsieur.
(She plops into Maurice’s lap.)
Mind if I sit here?
MAURICE (embarrassed) Oh!
Well! Hello!
COGSWORTH All right! This has gone far enough! I’m in charge here and…!
(Cogsworth turns around to find a teacart rolling right toward him pushed by Mrs. Potts. Mrs. Potts pushes
the teacart next to Maurice. She’s a sweet, kind-hearted teapot. Her son, Chip, is a Teacup riding on the cart.)
POTTS How would you like a nice spot of tea, sir? It will warm you up in no time.
MAURICE Oh, yes please!
No tea! He’ll be here all night…no tea!
(Mrs. Potts pours into Chip. Cogsworth throws up his arms in dismay.)
POTTS There you are.
MAURICE This is just what I need….AH!
(Maurice moves to pick up the teacup
and gasps.)
CHIP I think I scared him Mama.
MAURICE Hey there, little fella! What’s your name?
CHIP Chip.
MAURICE Figures.
BABETTE Care for a blanket, monsieur?
(She throws a blanket over his shoulder and giggles flirtatiously.)
just love older men.
LUMIERE Babette, you are always trying to make me jealous. Well, it’s not going to work
this time.
BABETTE Me! What about you? With Simone?
LUMIERE Jacques?
BABETTE Michelle?
BABETTE Veronique?
LUMIERE Veronique!
Listen to me! We’ve got to get him out of here! Do you have any idea what the Master will do if he finds out we let
a stranger in…
LUMIERE Calm yourself, Cogsworth. The Master will never have to know.
4a. Maurice &
the Beast
(Suddenly, we hear a loud roar. Everyone gasps.)
LUMIERE (a nervous laugh) As I was saying, he
is bound to find out sooner or later.
CHIP Should we hide, Mama?
LUMIERE No…no…remain calm.
There is absolutely no reason to panic.
COGSWORTH Lumiere is right. There’s absolutely no reason to panic.
(to Maurice) May I borrow this?
(He takes Maurice’s blanket and throws it over his own head.)
BEAST There’s
a stranger here!
LUMIERE Master, allow me to explain, the gentleman was set upon by wolves…
let him in?
(Everyone quakes in fear. Cogsworth peeks out from under his blanket.)
I take this opportunity to say, I was against it from the start!
BEAST Who dared to disobey me?
BEAST You have all betrayed me!
(Beast enters. Maurice is frozen with fear in his chair.)
are you?
MAURICE M…Maurice.
BEAST What are you doing in my castle?
MAURICE I lost my way
in the woods…
BEAST You are not welcome here!
MAURICE I’m sorry. I…I’ll just be
on my way.
(He looks up and for the first time, he gets a good look at the Beast’s face. It’s a gruesome
sight. Maurice gasps with horror.)
BEAST It’s hideous, isn’t it?
MAURICE Oh no, I wasn’t…
BEAST You’ve
come to stare at the Beast, haven’t you?
MAURICE No. No! I meant no harm! I was merely looking for a place
to stay!
BEAST I’ll give you a place to stay…
(He raises his huge claw. Blackout.)
4a: Exterior of Belle’s Cottage (Silly Girls, Gaston, Belle)
(We hear the sounds of hysterical sobbing. The
lights come up to reveal Gaston and the three Silly Girls.)
SILLY GIRL #1 It can’t be true! I don’t
believe it.
SILLY GIRL #2 Why would you go and do a thing like that?
SILLY GIRL #3 I can’t bear
it! I simply can’t bear it!
SILLY GIRL #1 Oh, Gaston, say it isn’t so!
GASTON It’s so.
GASTON Girls…I’m just getting married. Don’t tell me a
little thing like that’s going to change your feelings for me?
SILLY GIRL #1 Oh no!
GIRL #3 Never!
GASTON And we’ll still have our little…(mispronouncing it)…rendezvous. Won’t
SILLY GIRL #1 Oh yes!
SILLY GIRL #3 Always!
GASTON Good. (rubbing
his hands together) Well…if we’re going to have a wedding, I guess I’d better propose to the bride!
laughs…a big hearty booming laugh. The girls burst into a new round of tears.)
4b. Gaston’s Crossover
GASTON Run along now.
(They go off, still sobbing.)
GASTON Belle! Oh,
Belle…anyone home?
(She comes around the corner of the house carrying a flowerpot. She spots Gaston, makes a
face and ducks back.)
GASTON Helllloooooo!
(There is no getting out of it. Belle reappears with a fake smile
on her face.)
BELLE Gaston? What a …pleasant surprise.
GASTON Isn’t it though? I’m just
full of surprises. For you…Mademoiselle.
BELLE A miniature portrait…(looking closer)..of you. You shouldn’t
GASTON Don’t mention it. You know, Belle there isn’t a girl in town who wouldn’t love to
be in your shoes. This is the day your dreams come true!
BELLE What could you possibly know about my dreams, Gaston?
GASTON Plenty!
GASTON: You've been dreaming, just one dream Nearly all your life Hoping, scheming, just one theme: Will
you be a wife? Will you be some he-man's property? Good news! That he-man's me!
This equation, girl plus man Doesn't
help just you On occasion, women can Have their uses too Mainly to extend the fam'ly tree Pumpkin, extend with
GASTON: We'll be raising sons galore
BELLE: Inconceivable!
GASTON: Each built six foot four!
BELLE: Unbelievable!
stuffed with ev'ry Gaston gene!
BELLE: I'm not hearing this!
GASTON: You'll be keeping house with pride!
GASTON: Each day gratified
BELLE: So unweddable!
GASTON: That you are a part of
this idyllic scene.
GASTON: Picture this: A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting over the fire, my
little wife massaging my feet, while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs. We'll have six or seven!
BELLE: Dogs?
Belle! Strapping me!
BELLE: Imagine that!
GASTON: I can see that we will share All that
love implies We shall be a perfect pair Rather like my thighs You are face to face with destiny! All roads lead
to... The best things in life are... All's well that ends with me! Escape me? There's no way Certain as "Do, Re," Belle,
when you marry...
GASTON: So Belle, what’ll it be? Is it "yes", or is it "oh, yes"?
just don't deserve you!
GASTON: Who does? ME!
BELLE But thanks for asking!
(And she ducks into
the house. The Silly Girls return.)
SILLY GIRL #1 So…how’d it go?
GASTON You know that Belle…always
playing hard-to-get.
GASTON For now. But I’ll have Belle for my
wife. Make no mistake about that!
SILLY GIRL #1 Well, gee…if she turned him down, then maybe I still have
a chance.
SILLY GIRLS Get out of my way! OW! Stop it! Let go! Oh no, you don’t! He’s mine!
they’ve gone, Belle cautiously peers out of the cottage door.)
Scene 4b: Exterior of Belle’s Cottage (Belle,
6. Belle (Reprise)
BELLE: Is he gone? Oh, can you imagine? He asked me to marry him. Me, the wife
of that boorish, brainless . . .
BELLE "Madame Gaston!" Can't you just see it? "Madame Gaston!" His "little wife",
ugh! No sir! Not me! I guarantee it I want much more than this provincial life! I want adventure in the great wide
somewhere I want it more than I can tell And for once it might be grand To have someone understand I want so much
more than they've got planned
(Belle’s song is interrupted by Lefou who hurries in looking for Gaston. He has
Maurice’s scarf.)
LEFOU Hey Belle! Have you seen Gaston?
BELLE You just missed him. Wait a minute,
where did you get that scarf?
LEFOU This? In the woods. Pretty nice, huh?
BELLE This belongs to my father!
well. Finders-keepers.
BELLE Lefou, I want to you to think hard and tell me exactly where you found that.
BELLE Think!
LEFOU Somewhere
in the woods.
BELLE Harder!
LEFOU Near the crossroads, okay? Ow!
BELLE Then he’s still
out there somewhere! Lefou, you have to take me back!
LEFOU Not the woods again!
BELLE Don’t you
see? Something must have happened. You have to take me back!
LEFOU Not on your life!
(He goes off.)
I’ll find him myself!
6a. Then I’ll Find Him Myself
(She runs off.)
5a: Interior of Castle (Cogsworth, Lumiere, Belle, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Babette)
(Cogsworth and Lumiere enter in mid-argument)
keep quiet, could we? Just had to invite him to stay, didn’t we? Serve him tea, sit in the Master’s chair…
was trying to be hospitable!
LUMIERE Ah, Cogsworth, can you blame me for trying to
maintain what’s left of our humanity? Look at us. Look at you!
COGSWORTH What about me?
always were insufferable. But every day, you become just a little ore inflexible…a little more tightly wound…a
little more ticked off!
COGSWORTH Please, spare me the stupid puns.
LUMIERE At least, we are not as far
gone as some of the others. You saw what happened to Michelle.
COGSWORTH She always was too vain about her looks.
And that’s exactly what she’s become.
LUMIERE A vanity.
COGSWORTH Little drawers, mirror…the
LUMIERE And poor Jean-Claude.
LUMIERE Jean-Claude. You remember him, not
too bright, dumb as…
COGSWORTH (guessing) …a brick?
LUMIERE The whole wall.
COGSWORTH Jean-Claude’s
a brick wall?
LUMIERE (He nods.) That’s him in the kitchen, behind the stove.
you know Guillaume…the houseboy?
COGSWORTH That mealy-mouthed little bootlicker! I’ve never liked him.
He’s always groveling at the Master’s feet.
LUMIERE He’s a doormat.
happening faster with some of the others, but we are not far behind. Slowly but surely, as every day passes, we will all gradually
COGSWORTH But why did we have to get dragged into this whole spell business? It’s not
like we threw that poor old beggar woman out on her ear.
LUMIERE No, but are we not responsible too? For helping
to make him the way he is?
COGSWORTH I suppose so.
LUMIERE All I know is…I will eventually melt
away to nothing. I only hope there’s something left of me if the Master ever breaks the spell.
(Cogsworth pats
him on the back in a brief moment of friendship.)
COGSWORTH Hold on, old man. We’ve got to hold on.
comes wandering through.)
BELLE Hello? Is anyone here? Hello?
LUMIERE It’s a girl!
of course, I can see it’s a girl!
(They bolt to follow her.
Lumiere wins. Cogsworth is right behind him.)
LUMIERE (calling) Mademoiselle!
COGSWORTH Now Lumiere, let
me do all the talking.
LUMIERE (Ignoring him) Yoohooo…
COGSWORTH As head of the household, I should
do most of the talking!
LUMIERE (Calling) Cherie!
COGSWORTH A word. Just a word!
(as he goes off)
all I’m asking for!
(They exit as Mrs. Potts enter with Chip)
CHIP Mama, you’re not gonna believe
what I saw…not in a million years…not in a trillion million thousand years!
MRS. POTTS Yes, dear.
really…this is the greatest thing…it’s the thing that everybody’s been waiting for since…since…since…I
don’t know when!
MRS. POTTS Alright, Chip, what is it?
CHIP There’s a girl in the castle!
POTTS Bless my soul, wouldn’t that be lovely?
CHIP But there is! I saw her!
MRS. POTTS Now Chip,
I’ll not have you making up wild stories. Getting everyone’s hope up for no reason.
(Babette rushes in.)
Potts, did you hear? There is a girl in the castle!
CHIP See? It told ya! And she’s real pretty too!
I don’t know about that.
(Babette and Mrs. Potts exit as Lumiere and Cogsworth re-enter)
is the one! The girl we have been waiting for. She has come to break the spell!
COGSWORTH Wait a minute…wait
a minute…let’s not be hasty!
LUMIERE Isn’t it wonderful? After all these years! Oh happy, happy
(He grabs Cogsworth and kisses him on both cheeks. Cogsworth pushes him away with disgust.)
it! Stop that!
LUMIERE We should tell the others, no?
(Lumiere hurries off.)
no! I mean…wait a minute! Wait a minute!
(He hurries off after Lumiere. Belle comes back through.)
5b: Interior of Castle (Belle, Maurice, Beast, Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, Wardrobe)
6b. Belle in the Castle
BELLE Hello?
Is anyone here? Please, I’m looking for my father.
(The lights come up on Maurice, behind bars in a call.)
Is that you?
(Belle rushes to Maurice. She clings to him through the bars.)
did you find me?
(He coughs from the chill.)
BELLE Your hands are like ice! We have to get you out of here!
you must leave this place.
BELLE Who’s done this to you?
(The Beast appears, a shadowy form.)
no time to explain. You must go…now!
BELLE I won’t leave you here! (She feels his presence and whirls
around.) Who’s there? (She can hear him panting….animal-like.) BELLE I know someone’s there.
Who are you?
BEAST The master of this castle.
BELLE Then, you’re the one who’s responsible
for this! Release my father at once!
BEAST (He growls.) I am the mast of the castle! I do not take order from
anyone. Throw her out!
(The caryatid stands up, grabs Belle.)
BELLE No! Wait! Forgive me. Please, let him
out. Can’t you see he’s not well?
BEAST Then he should not have trespassed here.
he’s an old man. He could die!
BEAST He came into my home uninvited and now he’ll suffer the consequences.
BELLE Please…I’ll do anything.
BEAST There’s nothing you can
BELLE Wait please!
BEAST I said there is nothing you can do!
BELLE Take me instead!
did you say?
BELLE Take me instead.
MAURICE Belle, you don’t know what you’re doing.
would do that? You would take his place?
BELLE If I did, would you let him go?
BEAST Yes. But you must
promise to stay here…forever.
BELLE Forever?
BEAST Forever! Or he dies in
the dungeon!
BELLE That’s not fair…Wait! Come into the light.
BEAST Make your choice!
listen to me. I’m old…I’ve lived my life.
BELLE You have my word.
(Beast roar)
MAURICE No, no, I’m begging you! Please spare my daughter!
Beast drags Maurice out of the cell.)
BEAST Take him to the crossroads.
BELLE WAIT! No, not yet!
her go! Let her go! Belle! Belle!
(Maurice is dragged away)
LUMIERE (whispering) Master…
Beast roars angrily, Lumiere slinks away. There’s a beat…and Lumiere comes back.)
Master, please! (treading
on eggshells) Since the girl is going to be with us for quite some time…you might want to offer her a more comfortable
BELLE You didn’t let me say good-bye!
BELLE I’ll never see him
again..and I didn’t even get to say good-bye.
(The Beast studies her for a moment, confused by this outpouring
of emotion.)
BEAST I’ll…show you to your room.
(He turns to go, but she doesn’t follow.)
room? But I thought…
(He turns back, confused, irritated.)
BEAST Do you want to stay in that dungeon?
BEAST Then follow – (He reaches for her. She recoils from his hand in fear. He stops, then…) You
follow me!
Scene 5c: Interior of Castle (Belle, Beast, Mrs. Potts, Wardrobe)
(During the following, the Beast
leads Belle through the dark, dreary castle. The Beast explains the rules of the castle in a gruff tone.)
This is your
home now. You’re free to go anywhere you like…except the West Wing.
BELLE Why, what’s in the
BEAST IT’S FORBIDDEN! You are never to set foot in there…do you understand?
doesn’t answer fast enough to suit him.)
(He moves on. Belle
watches him.)
BEAST This is your room. I hope you’ll be comfortable here. If you need anything, my servants
will attend you.
(He motions impatiently for her to go in. Belle steps inside.)
And, one more thing. You will
join me for dinner.
(Belle turns away.)
That is not a request!)
(The Beast turns and exits.)
Is This Home?
(The lights come up in the Interior of Belle’s room. As she looks around at the strange, unfamiliar
surroundings, she can no longer hold back the dark despair that threatens to overwhelm her. She sings)
I made the choice For papa, I will stay But I don't deserve to lose my freedom in this way You monster! If you
think that what you've done is right, well then You're a fool! Think again!
Is this home? Is this where I
should learn to be happy? Never dreamed That a home could be dark and cold I was told Ev'ry day in my childhood: Even
when you grow old Home should be where the heart is Never where words so true! My heart's far, far away Home is
[Is this home Is this what I must learn to believe in Try to find Something good in this tragic place Just
in case I should stay here forever Held in this empty place Oh, that won't be easy I know the reason why My
heart's far, far away Home's a lie]
What I'd give to return To the life that I knew lately And to think I
complained Of that dull provincial town BELLE Is this home? Am I here for a day or forever? Shut away From
the world until who knows when Oh, but then As my life has been altered once It can change again Build higher
walls around me Change ev'ry lock and key Nothing lasts, nothing holds All of me My heart's far, far away Home
and free!
(The song ends…and there’s a brisk knock at the door.)
BELLE Who is it?
POTTS Mrs. Potts, dear. I thought you might like some tea.
BELLE Come in.
(Mrs. Potts toddles in.)
POTTS Nothing like a nice warm cup of tea to make the world seem a bit brighter.
BELLE But…you’re…you’re…!
POTTS (firmly) Mrs. Potts, dear. Very pleased to make your acquaintance.
(Belle is so stunned she backs up into
a wardrobe behind her.)
WARDROBE Careful, darling!
(Belle turns around to see MADAME DE LA GRAND BOUCHE,
a grand, larger-than-life wardrobe. Belle gasps.)
BELLE Wh…who are you?
WARDROBE Madame de la Grand
Bouche. Perhaps you’ve heard of me?
BELLE Sorry.
WARDROBE You see! They’ve forgotten all
about me. One can be and I quote, “The toast of Europe. The brightest star ever to grace the stage,” but fall
under one little spell…
MRS. POTTS Sssssh!
BELLE Wait. This is impossible!
know it is…but here we are! Well now, what shall we dress you in for dinner? (She lifts up Belle’s sleeve.) This
is nice. But how would you like to borrow one of my gowns? Let’s see what I’ve got in my drawers… (She
opens her drawers and pulls out bloomers. She reaches in again in and takes out a gown.) Ah, here we are. I wore this the
night I performed at the Royal Opera. The King himself was there! Of course, I wouldn’t have a prayer of fitting into
it now. Take it!
BELLE That’s very kind of you. But I’m not going to dinner.
be silly. Of course, you are. You heard what the Master said.
BELLE (adamant) He may be your master…but he’s
not mine! (a beat) I’m sorry. This is just happening so fast.
(Mrs. Potts and Wardrobe look at one another, feeling
badly for her. They approach…gently.)
7a. Is This Home - Tag
MRS. POTTS That was a very brave thing
you did, my dear.
WARDROBE We all think so.
BELLE I’m going to miss my papa so much!
POTTS: Cheer up child. I know things may seem bleak right now, but you mustn’t despair. We’re here to see you
I hope that we'll be friends Though I don't know you well If anyone can make the most of living here Then,
Belle, it's you And who knows? You may find Home here, too!
Scene 6a: The Tavern (Gaston, Lefou, Cronies,
Silly Girls)
(Gaston, sullen and morose, enters. Gaston’s cronies and his female admirers look on as Lefou approaches.)
GASTON: Who does she think she is? That girl has tangled with the wrong man!
LEFOU: Darn right.
one says "no" to Gaston! Dismissed! Rejected! Publicly humiliated! Why, it's more than I can bear.
GASTON: What for? Nothing helps. I'm disgraced.
LEFOU: Who, you? Never! Gaston, you've got to pull
yourself together.
LEFOU: Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Gaston Looking so down in the dumps Ev'ry guy here'd
love to be you, Gaston Even when taking your lumps There's no man in town as admired as you You're ev'ryone's favorite
guy Ev'ryone's awed and inspired by you And it's not very hard to see why No one's slick as Gaston, no one's quick
as Gaston No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston's For there's no man in town half as manly Perfect, a pure
paragon! You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanley And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on (Lefou is joined
by Gaston’s cronies. The group begins to sing and sway in an effort to cheer up their idol, Gaston. And, gradually,
it starts to work.)
CRONIES No one's been like Gaston A king pin like Gaston
LEFOU: No one's got a
swell cleft in his chin like Gaston
GASTON: As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating!
ALL: My, what a guy,
that Gaston! Give five "hurrahs!" Give twelve "hip-hips!"
LEFOU: Gaston is the best And the rest is all
ALL: No one fights like Gaston Douses lights like Gaston
LEFOU: In a wrestling match nobody bites
like Gaston!
SILLY GIRLS: For there's no one as burly and brawny
GASTON: As you see I've got biceps to
LEFOU: Not a bit of him's scraggly or scrawny
GASTON: That's right! And ev'ry last inch of me's
covered with hair
CRONIES: No one hits like Gaston
OTHER CRONIES: Matches wits like Gaston
a spitting match nobody spits like Gaston
GASTON: I'm especially good at expectorating! Ptoooie!
ALL: Ten
points for Gaston!
GASTON: When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs Ev'ry morning to help me get large And now
that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs So I'm roughly the size of a barge!
ALL: (Gaston poses) Oh, ahhh, wow! My,
what a guy, that Gaston!
(Dance break)
ALL: No one shoots like Gaston Makes those beauts like Gaston
goes tromping around wearing boots like Gaston
GASTON: I use antlers in all of my decorating!
what a guy!
LEFOU: What a guy!
ALL: Gaston!
Scene 6b: The Tavern (Gaston, Lefou, Maurice, Cronies,
Silly Girls)
GASTON Drinks on Lefou!
(Maurice enters, panicked)
MAURICE Help! Help! Someone help
8a. Gaston (Reprise)
GASTON Maurice?
(Maurice runs from person to person, frantically begging
for help, but not making much sense.)
MAURICE Please I need your help! He’s got her! He’s got her locked
in a dungeon…
MAURICE Belle…we must go at once…not a minute to lose!
Slow down, Maurice. Who’s got Belle locked in a dungeon?
MAURICE A Beast! A horrible monstrous beast!
a beat as Gaston and the villagers stare at him with disbelief. Then, everyone bursts into laughter, particularly Gaston.
One of Gastons’ cronies leans over Maurice.)
GASTON Is it a big beast?
spooky yellow eyes?
CRONY …with a long ugly snout?
MAURICE Hideously
LEFOU …and sharp cruel fangs?
MAURICE Yes! Yes! Will you help me? Will you help me?
right, old man. We’ll help you out.
(He looks at his cronies and jerks his thumb toward the door.)
MAURICE (relieved)
Oh, thank you…thank you…
(The cronies lift Maurice up by his arms, carry him off)
All right then,
I’ll go back there and get her out myself!
CRONY 1 Crazy ol’ Maurice.
CRONY 2 He’s always
good for a laugh.
(The cronies exit leaving Gaston and Lefou musing.)
GASTON: Crazy old Maurice, hmmm? (The
idea dawns.) Crazy old Maurice! LeFou, I'm afraid I've been thinking
LEFOU: A dangerous pastime
know. But that whacky old coot is Belle's father And his sanity's only "so-so" Now the wheels in my head have been
turning Since I looked at that loony, old man See, I've promised myself I'd be married to Belle And right now I'm
evolving a plan
GASTON: If I . . . (whispers)
GASTON: Then we . . . (whispers)
Would she . . .? (whispers)
GASTON: Guess!
LEFOU: Now I get it!
BOTH: Let's go!
gets up and dances with Lefou.)
No one plots like Gaston
GASTON: Takes cheap shots like Gaston
LEFOU: Plans
to persecute harmless crackpots like Gaston
GASTON: Yes, I'm endlessly, wildly resourceful
LEFOU: As down
to the depths you descend
GASTON: I won't even be mildly remorseful
LEFOU: Just as long as you get what
you want in the end
GASTON: Who has brains like Gaston?
LEFOU: Entertains like Gaston?
can make up these endless refrains like Gaston? And his marriage we soon will be celebrating My what a guy Gaston!
and Lefou exit.)
(The lights come up on the castle.) Scene 7a: Fireplace (Mrs. Potts, Cogsworth, Lumiere, Beast,
(As Cogsworth enters, we see that he now has a gigantic winding handle attached to his back which he is entirely
unaware of. Mrs. Potts and Lumiere enter hurriedly.)
MRS. POTTS Well, what is it?
ready, Mrs. Potts?
MRS. POTTS Just about. I haven’t the foggiest idea what she likes to eat, so I’ve
cooked up everything in the kitchen.
COGSWORTH Good…good.
(He turns around…and both Mrs. Potts
and Lumiere notice the handle. They gasp.)
COGSWORTH Yes, well? Don’t just stand there gaping, get back to
LUMIERE You tell him.
MRS. POTTS I can’t.
COGSWORTH Tell me what?
don’t get upset, but you’ve got..something on your back.
COGSWORTH What on earth are you talking about?
takes him and puts him in front of the mirror. Cogsworth gasps with horror.)
AH! (Looking closer) What is it?
appears to be a winding handle, of sorts.
COGSWORTH Well, get it off me!
LUMIERE (trying to pull it off)
It won’t come off.
COGSWORTH What do you mean it won’t come off? It wasn’t there last night when
I went to bed. Where did it come from? Why is this happening to me?
MRS. POTTS It’s the spell, I’m afraid.
try to relax…
COGSWORTH Relax! Relax! How can I relax with this appendage on my back? Is there no dignity
left for me? And what’s going to go next…my mind?
LUMIERE Calm down. It will be all right.
frightened, Lumiere.
LUMIERE I know, my friend. But you are not alone.
MRS. POTTS We’re all in
this together.
Scene 7b: Fireplace / Belle’s Room (Mrs. Potts, Cogsworth, Lumiere, Beast, Belle)
BEAST It’s time for dinner. Where is she?
COGSWORTH Perhaps I should see about her. Won’t
be a minute.
BEAST I told her to come down! What’s taking so long?
MRS. POTTS Try to be patient,
sir. The girl has lost her father and her freedom all in one day.
LUMIERE Master…have you thought that perhaps
this girl could be the one to break the spell?
BEAST Of course, I have! (grumbling) I’m not a fool.
LUMIERE Good! So…you fall in love with her, she falls in love with you and poof! The spell is broken! We’ll
be human again by midnight!
MRS. POTTS Lumiere, it’s not that easy. These things take time.
we don’t have time! The rose has already begun to wilt!
BEAST It’s no use. She’s so beautiful
and I’m…well, look at me!
LUMIERE (sotto to Mrs. Potts) He has a point.
(to the Beast) Master, you must help her to see past all that.
BEAST I don’t know how!
you could start by trying to make yourself more presentable. (She pulls him upright.) Straighten up! Try to act like
a gentleman.
LUMIERE Impress her with your rapier wit.
MRS. POTTS But be gentle.
her with compliments.
MRS. POTTS But be sincere.
LUMIERE/MRS. POTTS And above all…
BEAST What???
POTTS You must control your temper!
(Cogsworth re-enters.)
is she?
COGSWORTH (feigning ignorance) Who? Oh, yes, the girl…well, actually she’s in the
process of…circumstances being what they are…
(The Beast growls impatiently)
COGSWORTH (a timid
squeak) She’s not coming. (a squeak) She’s not coming.
BEAST What did you say?
squeakier) She’s not coming.
BEAST We’ll see about that!
(The Beast storms to Belle’s
room. Lumiere, Mrs. Potts and Cogsworth hurry along behind.)
COGSWORTH Your Lordship! Your grace! Your Eminence!
Let’s not be hasty!
BEAST Stay where you are! Lumiere, stand aside.
(The Beast barges in to Belle’s
BELLE (yelling back) I’m not hungry!
BEAST I am the master of this castle and I’m
telling you to come to dinner.
BELLE And I’m telling you…I’m not hungry.
BEAST You’re
hungry if I say you’re hungry.
BELLE Don’t be ridiculous!
BEAST What did you say?
can’t go around ordering people to be hungry. It doesn’t work like that.
BEAST I can…
BELLE Besides,
it’s rude.
BEAST (sarcastically) Oh? Rude is it? Then how about this, if you don’t come down to dinner,
I will drag you by the hair…
LUMIERE Master that may not be the best way to win the girl’s affections.
COGSWORTH Please…attempt
to be a gentleman.
BEAST But why is she being so difficult?
(He crosses to Belle.)
Why are you being
so difficult?
BELLE Why are you being such a bully?
BEAST Because I want you to come down to dinner!
BELLE So…you
admit you’re being a bully.
MRS. POTTS Deep breaths, Master…deep breaths.
give her one last chance. Would you be so kind as to join me for dinner?
COGSWORTH (under his breath) Aahaahaaa….P…P…
BEAST (gritting
his teeth) Please.
BELLE No, thank you.
BEAST Fine! Then starve!
(He begins to storm out of the
LUMIERE Master, please!
BEAST If she doesn’t eat with me…she doesn’t eat at all!
roars and storms off angrily.)
LUMIERE What were we thinking? We will never be human again.
it appears.
(There’s a long moment as they sink into despair.)
MRS. POTTS Well, what would you two
have us do? Give up? I can’t give up until I hear the sound of my boy’s laughter as he runs through these halls
COGSWORTH Quite right Mrs. Potts! We mustn’t give up while there’s still a chance. Lumiere, stand
watch at the door and if there’s the slightest change, inform me at once.
(Lumiere, with a mock salute.)
mon Capitan.
(Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts exit.)
Scene 7c: Belle’s Room / Beast’s Lair (Beast,
Belle, Wardrobe)
(The lights dim in Belle’s room and come up on the Beast’s lair.)
nicely but she refuses! What…what does she want me to do…beg?
(He picks up the Mirror.)
Show me
the girl! (The Magic Mirror glows. The lights come up on Belle’s room.)
8b. How Long Must This Go On?
know the Master can be temperamental, but underneath all that matter fur, he’s not such a bad fellow. Why don’t
you give him a chance?
BELLE Why should I? Did he give my father a chance?
WARDROBE Well, no. But once
you get to know him…
BELLE I don’t want to get to know him! I don’t want to have anything to do
with him!
(The Beast is stung by her words. The lights fade in Belle’s room.)
BEAST: I’m just
fooling myself. She’ll never see me as anything…but a monster.
How long must this go on? This cruel trick
of fate? I simply made one careless wrong decision And then the witch was gone, and left me in this state An object
of revulsion and derision Hated...Is there no one who can show me How to win the world's forgiveness?
(He looks
to the Rose. One more petal falls. He groans.)
No! What did they say? Shower her with compliments…impress her
with your wit…Act like a gentleman. Act like a gentleman. Act like a gentle man!
(He exits.)
7d: Fireplace (Babette, Lumiere)
(The lights come up on Lumiere asleep at his post…snoring loudly. Babette
approaches. She reaches out to Lumiere and we see that her hands are now feathers.)
BABETTE Lumiere…oh Lumiere…!
Babette. Come to me, my little fluff.
(He takes her hand and kisses it, but gets a mouth full of feathers.)
– agh ahchoo!
BABETTE It’s my hands, isn’t it? You do not love me anymore! (sobbing) Oh,
this horrible horrible spell… (sneezes)
LUMIERE Ah, cherie…you cut me to the wick! Do you think a
little think like that would change my feeling for you? Now you really… (lascivious) …tickle my fancy!
giggles and pushes him away.)
BABETTE Oh no…no…no! I’ve been burnt by you before!
(She runs out with Lumiere right
behind. After they’ve gone, the lights come up on Belle’s room.)
Scene 7e: Belle’s Room (Belle,
BELLE (sheepish) Actually Madame, I am a little hungry.
WARDROBE I’ll ring for Mrs. Potts
and sing you an aria while we wait.
BELLE That’s all right. I’ll go myself.
what about the Master? He’s really not going to like this!
BELLE (she smiles) I know.
(Belle goes
WARDROBE Oh dear…oh dear.
Scene 7f: Dining Room (Mrs. Potts, Chip, Cogsworth, Lumiere, Belle,
(The lights come up on another area. Mrs. Potts and Cogsworth enter.)
MRS. POTTS I like this
girl. I like her spunk.
COGSWORTH Well, if you ask me, she was just being stubborn. After all, he say ‘please.’
POTTS I think that may be the first time I’ve ever heard him use that word.
COGSWORTH I believe you’re
MRS. POTTS You see! She’s already starting to have a good influence on him. (Belle approaches.) Oh
there you are dearie. Glad to see you out and about.
COGSWORTH I am Cogsworth, head of the household.
comes running in.)
LUMIERE Cogsworth! The girl! She’s gone! I swear my eyes never left the…Enchantee,
(He kisses her hand.)
COGSWORTH This is Lumiere…Stop it! Stop that! (to Belle) If
there is anything we can do to make you stay more comfortable. Anything …anything at all!
BELLE I am a little
COGSWORTH Except that.
MRS. POTTS Cogsworth!
COGSWORTH Well, you heard what the Master
MRS. POTTS Oh pish tosh! I’m not about to let the poor child go hungry!
of water, crust of bread and then…
LUMIERE Cogsworth! I am surprised at you. She’s not a prisoner, she’s
our guest! We must make her feel welcome here!
COGSWORTH All right, dinner. But keep it down! If the Master finds
out it’ll be our necks!
LUMIERE Of course…of course! But what is dinner without a little music?
drum roll)
9. Be Our Guest
LUMIERE: (into song) Ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride and
greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. And now we invite you to relax, Let us pull up a chair as the dining
room proudly presents - your dinner!
Be our guest! Be our guest! Put our service to the test Tie your napkin
'round your neck, cherie And we'll provide the rest
LUMIERE Soup du jour, hot hors d'oeuvres Why, we only
live to serve Try the grey stuff
CHIP: It's delicious
LUMIERE: Don't believe me? Ask the dishes They
can sing, they can dance After all, Miss, this is France And a dinner here is never second best Go on, unfold your
menu Take a glance and then you'll Be our guest Oui, our guest Be our guest!
FLATWARE: Beef ragout Cheese
soufflй Pie and pudding "en flambй"
LUMIERE: We'll prepare and serve with flair A culinary cabaret! You're
alone, and you're scared But the banquet's all prepared No one's gloomy or complaining While the flatware's entertaining
tell jokes!
LUMIERE I do tricks With my fellow candlesticks
FLATWARE: And it's all in perfect taste,
that you can bet Come on and lift your glass You've won your own free pass to be out guest
LUMIERE: If you're
stressed, it's fine dining we suggest
LUMIRE & FLATWARE: Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!
our guest, be our guest Get your worries off your chest Let us say for your entree We've an array; may we suggest: Try
the bread! Try the soup! When the croutons loop de loop
LADIES It's a treat for any dinner Don't believe me?
Ask the china
MEN Singing pork! Dancing veal! What an entertaining meal!
CHORUS: How could anyone be
gloomy and depressed? We'll make you shout "encore!" and send us out for more So, be our guest!
our guest!
CHORUS: Be our guest!
MRS. POTTS: It's a guest! It's a guest! Sakes alive, well I'll be
blessed! Wine's been poured and thank the Lord I've had the napkins freshly pressed With dessert, she'll want tea And
my dear that's fine with me While the cups do their soft-shoeing' I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing I'll get warm,
piping hot Heaven's sakes! Is that a spot? Clean it up! We want the company impressed
CHORUS: We've got a
lot to do!
MRS. POTTS: Is it one lump or two? For you, our guest!
CHORUS: She's our guest!
POTTS: She's our guest!
CHORUS: She's our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!
is so unnerving For a servant who's not serving He's not whole without a soul to wait upon Ah, those good old days
when we were useful... Suddenly those good old days are gone Ten years we've been rusting Needing so much more than
dusting Needing exercise, a chance to use our skills! Most days we just lay around the castle Flabby, fat and lazy You
walked in and oops-a-daisy!
BABETTE Come to me, my little spark!
LUMIERE Ah-choo! Oui!
This time you’ve gone too far. This is shameless! Shameless!
ALL Hey!
LUMIERE (as napkins enter)
LUMIERE And now, for your continued dining pleasure – Napkins...s’il vous
NAPKINS Ooh la la!
(all together) Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, wheee!
our guest! Be our guest! Our command is your request It's been years since we've had anybody here And we're obsessed With
your meal, with your ease Yes, indeed, we aim to please While the candlelight's still glowing Let us help you, We'll
keep going Course by course, one by one 'Til you shout, "Enough! I'm done!" Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you
digest Tonight you'll prop your feet up But for now, let's eat up Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest! Please,
be our guest!
Scene 7g: Dining Room / West Wing Belle, Cogsworth, Lumiere, Beast
BELLE Oh, Lumiere, thank
you for dinner. It was delicious.
COGSWORTH Good show, everyone! Good show! Well done! Oh my goodness, loot at
the time. Off to bed!
BELLE Oh, I couldn’t possibly go to bed now. It’s my first time in an enchanted
COGSWORTH Enchanted! Who said anything about the castle being enchanted? (to Lumiere) It was you, wasn’t
BELLE I figured it out for myself. I’d like to look around, if that’s all right.
you would like a tour?
COGSWORTH Wait a minute…wait a minute. I’m not sure that’s such a good
idea. (Aside to Lumiere) We can’t have you know who, go poking around you know where…if you know what I mean.
Cogsworth) Perhaps you’d like to take me. I’m sure you know everything there is to know about the castle.
COGSWORTH Well…actually,
I do! May I draw your attention to our hand painted ceiling complete with cherubs frolicking in delight amidst the nymphs
and centaurs…
(Lights go down on Cogsworth and company as the Beast enters carrying a tray of food for Belle.)
like a gentleman…act like a gentleman…This’ll be good. Oh, Belle?
(The Beast knocks again.)
BEAST Belle?
come up again on Cogsworth’s tour…The Beast ducks back into the shadows.)
COGSWORTH Now if you will
not the unusual inverted archways, you will see that this is yet another example of the late neo-classic baroque period. And…as
I always say…if it’s not baroque, don’t fix it!
(He laughs heartily. Lumiere and Belle are silent.)
I draw your attention to the flying buttresses above the aviary…?
(Cogsworth exits)
BELLE Oh, Lumiere
it’s all so beautiful! I had no idea. If only he weren’t here!
(Lumiere and Belle exit.)
like a gentleman…I am nothing but a fool.
(He goes into the West Wing. Cogsworth re-enters…Belle and Lumiere
trail behind.)
COGSWORTH …and thanks to some quick thinking on my part the disaster was averted. And that
was the last time a stone of that weight was quarried in this area.
BELLE What’s up there?
COGSWORTH Nothing at all of any interest in the West Wing!
BELLE Ah. So that’s
the West Wing.
LUMIERE Nice going.
BELLE I wonder what he’s hiding up there.
laughs heartily.) Hiding! What an idea! Hiding.
BELLE Then it wouldn’t be forbidden, would it?
Mademoiselle would like to see something else. We have exquisite tapestries dating all the way back to Aloysious the Pretentious…
(She moves closer to the West Wing.)
LUMIERE (thinking quickly) Perhaps you would like to see
the gardens…or…or the library?
(Belle whirls around with sudden interest.)
BELLE You have a library?
Belle in the West Wing
LUMIERE With books!
(Cogsworth and Lumiere back away from the stairs….drawing
Belle with them. She follows, tantalized.)
COGSWORTH Oh yes! Scads of books! Mountains of books! Forests of
books! Cascades! Cloudbursts! Swamps of books!
LUMIERE Books with pictures! Books with words!
words than you could ever be able to read in a lifetime!
LUMIERE Books on every subject, by every author who ever
set pen to papier!
(They toddle off. Belle glances over her shoulder at the West Wing and her curiosity gets the better
of her. She turns back and heads up the stairs. Belle enters the Beast’s lair. She shudders as she steps through. Something
catches her eye and she turns. It’s the Rose. She moves closer…awestruck. Fascinated, Belle moves as if to life
the dome as the Beast enters.)
BELLE I’m sorry!
(Belle backs
away fearfully as he sees that the Rose is unharmed, his fear begins to abate and fury rises up in its place. He slowly advances
on her…eyes burning with rage.)
BEAST What are you doing here?
told you never to come here!
BELLE I know but…
BEAST Do you realize what you could have done?
Get out!
(As she tries to run past
him, he grabs her arm and pulls off her sleeve as she falls backwards.)
BEAST Oh…no…
touch me!
BELLE Promise or no promise. I won’t stay here!
(Belle runs
(The Beast is left alone with his remorse and self-recrimination.)
10. If I Can't Love Her
sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to frighten you. I didn’t mean to hurt. You don’t understand. There’s
so little left of me…So little left…
And in my twisted face There's not the slightest trace Of anything
that even hints of kindness And from my tortured shape No comfort, no escape I see, but deep within is utter blindness Hopeless,
as my dream dies As the time flies Love a lost illusion Helpless Unforgiven Cold and driven To this sad
No beauty could move me No goodness improve me No power on earth, if I can't love her No passion
could reach me No lesson could teach me How I could have love her and made her love me too If I can't love her,
then who?
Long ago I should have seen All the things I could have been Careless and unthinking, I moved onward
pain could be deeper No life could be cheaper No point anymore, if I can't love her No spirit could win me No
hope left within me Hope I could have loved her and that she'd set me free But it's not to be If I can't love her Let
the world be done with me.
11. Entr'acte
Scene 1: The Forest (Belle,
Beast, Wolves)
11a. Wolf Chase #2
(We are in the Forest. Belle runs in, fleeing from the castle. She stops to
catch her breath and looks around. She sees wolves who advance on her. In desperation, she breaks off a tree branch and swings
it at them. They leap at her, snarling, snapping, tugging at her cloak. She falls…They have her now! Suddenly, we hear
a thunderous roar! The Beast leaps in…flinging the wolf off of Belle. He stands over her, defending her from the wolves
who attack him from all sides. With a final roar…he hurls the wolves away…The Beast staggers forward and collapses.
Belle looks off for a moment. If she made her break now…She looks back at the Beast, lying wounded on the ground…and
runs to his side. She tries to help him up. He moans painfully.)
Scene 2a: Fireplace/Castle Interior/Library (Belle,
Beast, Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Chip)
(We are in the castle. Belle helps the Beast to his chair. He holds one
arm painfully. Mrs. Potts, Lumiere and Cogsworth enter. Cogsworth carries a bowl and cloth to wash the Beast’s wounds.
Mrs. Potts pours steaming water into the bowl. Belle dips a clean cloth into the hot water and wrings it out. She reaches
for the Beast’s wounded arm. But he growls and pulls away.)
BELLE Let me see. Don’t do that! (She
reaches for him again, but he won’t let her touch his arm.) Just hold still. (She gently dabs at the wound. He
cringes and howls painfully.)
BEAST OW! That hurts!
BELLE If you’d hold still, it wouldn’t
hurt as much.
BEAST If you hadn’t run away, this wouldn’t have happened.
BELLE If you hadn’t
frightened me, I wouldn’t have run away!
(This gives him pause. It’s a moment before he can come up with
a retort.)
BEAST Well, you shouldn’t have been in the West Wing!
BELLE And you should learn to control
you temper!
(He doesn’t have an answer for that. They glare at each other in a silent battle of wills. The beast
looks to Mrs. Potts and Lumiere who avert their eyes. Belle dips the cloth in hot water again and wrings it out.)
hold still, this may sting a little.
(She dabs gently at the wound on his arm. He winces but doesn’t pull away.)
the way…thank you for saving my life.
BEAST You’re welcome.
(Mrs. Potts, Lumiere and Cogsworth
look at each other with happy surprise.)
MRS. POTTS Well, that’s more like it. I knew they could get along
if they tried.
LUMIERE So, the ice is broken…at last.
COGSWORTH And not a moment too soon either.
Have you taken a good look at the Rose lately? It’s losing petals at an alarming rate!
MRS. POTTS Not to mention
the fact that I can hardly bend over at all any more.
LUMIERE Clearly, it’s time for us to give them a little
push. We must find a nice romantic way to draw them closer together.
MRS. POTTS I have just the thing!
speak to the Beast and Belle.)
How about we warm you two up a bit with a nice bowl of soup?
(Lumiere and Cogsworth
look at each other.)
MRS. POTTS Trust me. (Mrs. Potts, Lumiere Beast and Cogsworth
huddle. A small table tracks on. Chip sits on top.)
12. Something There
BELLE: There's something sweet And
almost kind But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined But now he's dear, and so unsure I wonder why I didn't
see it there before
(Mrs. Potts indicates the chair to the Beast. He lifts the chair as Belle crosses to it. He clumsily
slides it in beneath her. She falls in to the chair. The Beast crosses to his chair and perches, unable to sit. Belle raises
her bowl…the Beast follows suit.)
CHIP (as they raise their bowls) Cheers!
MRS. POTTS: (to Belle) Come
along dearie. Let's get you off those wet things.
(Mrs. Potts leads Belle off. As they go, Belle looks back and indicates
that he should wipe his mouth.)
BEAST: She glanced this way, I thought I saw And when we touched she didn't shudder
at my paw No it can't be, I'll just ignore But then she's never looked at me that way before
(to Cogsworth and
Lumiere who approach)
When she smiles at me…I get all choked up. My heart starts pounding and I can’t breathe!
BEAST That’s
LUMIERE Excellent!
BEAST I’ve never felt this way about anyone. (impulsively) I want to
give her something…but what?
COGSWORTH Well, there’s the usual thing: flowers, chocolates, promises
you don’t intend to keep…
LUMIERE No, no. This is no ordinary girl. It has to be something special.
Something that sparks her interest…something… (He remembers) Aaaah!
(Lumiere whispers into the Beast’s
ear. He draws back, skeptically.)
BEAST What? Are you sure? (dubious) Well…
(Belle comes back
wearing a pink dress)
(Cogsworth clears his throat, and bows in Belle’s direction. Lumiere & Beast look in
her direction.)
LUMIERE (under his breath to the Beast) Say something about the dress.
BEAST (confused) It’s
LUMIERE A compliment!
BEAST Oh. BEAST (to Belle) What a …nice dress.
(Beast looks at Lumiere and Cogsworth. “How’d I do?” They nod and make “go on” motions..)
BEAST: Belle,
I have something to show you.
(He leads her upstage.)
But first, you have to close your eyes. It's a surprise!
closes her eyes.)
LUMIERE Get the girl!
BELLE: May I open them?
(As swag opens to reveal a beautiful
library with stacks and stacks of books.)
BEAST: Alright, alright. Now!
(Belle opens her eyes and gasps with
BELLE: I can't believe it! I've never seen so many books in my whole life!
like it?
BELLE: It's wonderful!
BEAST: Then…it's yours!
(Belle runs to look at the books.
She dashes from stack to stack…giddy with delight.)
BELLE: New and a bit alarming Who'd have ever thought
that this could be?
(Beast enters the library.)
True that he's no Prince Charming But there's something in
him that I simply didn't see
(Musical underscoring continues. Belle shows the Beast a book.)
this is one of my favorites! It's "King Arthur." Have you ever read it?
BELLE: Then you
don't know what you're missing. I'd love to read it again. can read it first.
BEAST: (He pushes it
back to her) No, that's alright
BELLE: (She pushes it back to him) No, really, you read it
pushes it back to her) Oh, No, you...
BELLE: No, you.
(She pushes it back to him. Finally, in frustration,
he confesses.)
BEAST: No! I can't...
BELLE: You never learn to read?
BEAST: Only a little,
and long ago
(He goes to leave)
BELLE: Well, it just so happens that this is the perfect book to read
aloud. Come here, sit by me.
(They sit down to read. Lumiere, Cogsworth, and Mrs. Potts enter. Mrs. Potts pushes her
tea cart with Chip.)
LUMIERE: Well, who'd have thought?
MRS. POTTS: Well, bless my soul
who'd have known?
MRS. POTTS: Well, who indeed?
LUMIERE: And who'd have guessed they'd come together on
their own?
MRS. POTTS: It's so peculiar.
MRS. POTTS, LUMIERE AND COGSWORTH: We'll wait and see A few
days more There may be something there that wasn't there before
COGSWORTH: Perhaps there's something there That
wasn't there before
CHIP: What?
MRS. POTTS: There may be something there that wasn't there before
What's there, Mama?
MRS. POTTS: Ssh. I'll tell you when you're older. Come along now. Let's give them some
CHIP: Mama?
MRS. POTTS: Yes, Chip
CHIP: Will I ever get to be a boy again?
POTTS: I hope so
CHIP: When will I know?
MRS. POTTS: Soon. If it's to be. It will be very soon now. Come
along, son.
(They exit.)
BELLE: (reading) Knowing not that this was indeed the legendary sword called "Excalibur,"
Arthur tried to pull it from the stone. He tried once to no avail. He tried a second time, but still, he could not
pull it out. Then, for the third time, Arthur drew forth the sword...
BEAST: (excited) So that must mean he's
the king!
BELLE: Wait and see
(The Beast shakes his head with wonder.) BEAST: I never knew books could
do that
BELLE: Do what?
BEAST: Take me away from this place, make me forget for a little while.
BELLE: Forget?
I...(correcting himself) What I am...
(Belle looks at him. He’s touched her heart.)
BELLE: We have
something in common, you know
BEAST: What?
BELLE: In the town where I come from, the people think I'm
BELLE: So, I know how it feels to be...different. And I know how lonely that can be
a beat. Their eyes meet. A bond has formed between them.)
BELLE: (reminded, she picks up the book and reads) For
the third time, Arthur drew forth the sword, and there arose from the people a great shout. “Arthur is king!”
Told you so...
Scene 2b: Fireplace/Castle Interior Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Wardrobe, Babette, Cogsworth,
Objects, Belle, Beast
(Lumiere enters and watches Belle and Beast in the library. Mrs. Potts and Chip enter.)
POTTS They’re still in there?
LUMIERE Yes, and so far he has been a perfect gentleman.
know what, Mama? I have a funny feeling inside. I don’t know what it is, but it makes me feel kind of bubbly.
Potts and Lumiere share a knowing look.)
MRS. POTTS It’s hope, son. I’ve been feeling it too.
Human Again
LUMIERE: Ha ha, oui, my little friend, The day we have waited for may be at hand!
Oh, only if that were true, Lumiere!
LUMIERE: Aaah...human again
MRS. POTTS: Human again
Yes, think of what that means!
LUMIERE: I'll be cooking again Be good-looking again With a mademoiselle
on each arm
LUMIERE When I'm human again Only human again Poised and polished and gleaming with charm... I'll
be courting again Chic and sporting again
MRS. POTTS: Which should cause several husbands alarm!
CHIP: I'll
hop down off the shelf
LUMIERE: And toute suite be myself
CHIP: I can't wait to be human again
DE LA GRANDE BOUCHE, MRS. POTTS, BABETTE: When we're human again Only human again When we're knickknacks and whatnots
no more
CHIP: Little push, little shove They could, whoosh fall in love
cherie, won't it all be top-drawer I'll wear lipstick and rouge And I won't be so huge Why, I'll easily fit through
that door I'll exude savoir-faire I'll wear gowns! I'll have hair! It's my prayer to be human again
I'm human again Only human again When the world once more making sense I'll unwind for a change
LUMIERE: Really?
That'd be strange!
COGSWORTH: Can I help it if I'm t-t-tense? In a shack by the sea I'll sit back sipping
tea Let my early retirement commence Far from fool made of wax I'll get down to brass tacks and relax
ALL: When
I'm human again So sweep the dust from the floor! Let's let some light in the room! I can feel, I can tell Someone
might break the spell Any day now!
LUMIERE: Shine up the brass on the door!
BABETTE Alert the dust
pail and the broom!
ALL: If all goes as planned Our time may be at hand Any day now!
PAIL, EGG TIMER: Open the shutters and let in some air
MRS. POTTS: Put these here and put those over there
ALL: Sweep
up the years Of sadness and tears And throw them away!
(The library. The musical underscore continues as Belle
finishes the book.)
BELLE: “When Guenиvere heard that Arthur was slain, she went away to a convent,
and no one could make her smile again.” (closing the book) That’s the end. (He is clearly stricken by
the tale.)
BEAST: What a… (he swallows the lump in his throat) beautiful story.
BELLE: I knew
you would like it! I would like to ask you something
BEAST: What's that?
BELLE: A second chance. Would
you have dinner with me tonight?
BEAST: Dinner? Me? With you? Well, that would be, I mean -- Oh, yes!!
and Beast exit the castle)
ALL: When we're human again Only human again When the girl finally sets us all
free Cheeks a-bloomin' again We're assumin' again We'll resume our long lost joie de vie We'll be playin' again Holiday'
again And we're prayin' it's A-S-A-P When we cast off this pall We'll stand straight, we'll walk tall When we're
all that we were Thanks to him, thanks to her Coming closer and closer And closer and... We'll be dancing again! We'll
be twirling again! We'll be whirling around with such ease When we're human again Only human again We'll go waltzing
those old one-two-threes
We'll be floating again! We'll be gliding again! Stepping, striding as fine as you please Like
a real human does I'll be all that I was On that glorious morn When we're fin'lly reborn And we're all of us human
Scene 3: The Tavern (Gaston, Lefou, Monsieur D’Arque)
(Gaston and Lefou enter the tavern
with an unfamiliar man all dressed in black, the proprietor of the local lunatic asylum. They are seated at a table.)
Maison des Lunes
GASTON Thank you for coming on such short notice, Monsieur d’Arque.
don’t usually leave the asylum in the middle of the night. But this fellow said you’d make it worth my while.
GASTON Look, I’ve got my heart set on marrying Belle, but she needs a little…persuasion.
LEFOU Turned
him down flat!
GASTON: It’s like this, see… There's a danger I'll be thwarted And denied my honeymoon For
the pretty thing I've courted Refuse to swoon So, the time has come for a murky plan For which I turn to a murky
LEFOU: To find that fiend
BOTH: Where better than The Maison des Lunes?
GASTON: I don't
take this girl for granted, there's no path I haven't hewn To her heart; no seed unplanted, no flowers unstrewn But
quite amazing to relate She doesn't want me for her mate
LEFOU: Which forces him to contemplate
Maison des Lunes
MONSIEUR D'ARQUE: I don't wish to seem a tad obtuse But I don't see how I can be of use For
I lock people up; I'm not a "Lonely Heart's club" I'm a cold, cold fish I've a nasty, vicious streak
LEFOU: Please
GASTON: It's Belle's father who's your client She adores the old buffoon She'll be forced to be complaint
LEFOU: She'll
dance to your tune
GASTON: We get the daughter through her dad You just pronounce the old boy mad
whoosh! He's slammed up in your pad--
LEFOU, D'ARQUE: The Maison des Lunes
GASTON: Do I make myself entirely
D'ARQUE: It's the simplest deal of my whole foul career!
GASTON: Put Maurice away and she'll be
here in moments In a dreadful state She'll capitulate to me!
D'ARQUE: Oh… I'll be strapping up an
LEFOU: Very tightly
GASTON: Very soon
D'ARQUE: But please don't bring him late Our
check-in time's noon!
LEFOU, D'ARQUE: So, wave one bachelor goodbye
GASTON: She'll be my bride
LEFOU: She'd
rather die Than have her daddy …
D'ARQUE: Ossify? In my sordid saloon
ALL: So book the church;
raise glasses high To the Maison des Lunes!
Scene 4: The Beast’s Lair/West Wing Lumiere, Beast, Cogsworth,
Belle, Mrs. Potts
(The Beast prepares for dinner with the help of Lumiere and Cogsworth)
is the night…the night to confess your love.
BEAST I’m not sure I can do that.
LUMIERE You care for the girl, don’t you?
BEAST More than anything.
why not tell her?
BEAST I can’t!
(Lumiere waves at him to be quiet.)
will be beautiful music, romantic candlelight, provided by myself, and then when the moment is right…
will I know when the moment is right?
COGSWORTH You’ll feel slightly nauseous.
You will know because you will feel it here… (he points to his heart) …and you must speak from the heart.
must speak from the …I can’t!
(Lumiere waves at Cogsworth again.)
are you afraid of?
BEAST Nothing!
BEAST I’m afraid she might…
might what?
BEAST Laugh at me.
(Lumiere and Cogsworth look at each other...empathizing with his plight.)
my prince, you must find the courage to take that chance.
COGSWORTH Master…look at the rose! There’s
so little time left!
BEAST I really don’t think I can do this.
LUMIERE Here. This might help to
bolster your courage.
(Cogsworth holds the Mirror up…the Beast groans and looks away. He doesn’t want to
see…but Lumiere turns his head to force him to look. He is dressed elegantly with his hair tied back in a ponytail.
He actually looks good.)
BEAST (surprised) Ah!
LUMIERE You can do it, Master. I know you can.
Before ‘Beauty and the Beast’
(The Beast looks to Cogsworth, who holds up the Mirror again.)
lights come up on Belle She’s dressed in a stunning golden gown. The Beast holds his hand out to her. They sit at a
banquet table.)
(Mrs. Potts enters with Chip in the teacart.)
15. Beauty and the Beast
as old as time True as it can be Barely even friends Then somebody bends Unexpectedly.
Just a little change Small
to say the least Both a little scared Neither one prepared Beauty and the Beast.
(Belle gets up and crosses
to take his hand.)
BELLE Dance with me.
(Belle and the Beast dance together.)
MRS. POTTS Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever
as before Ever just as sure As the sun will rise.
Tale as old as time Tune as old as song Bittersweet and
strange Finding you can change Learning you were wrong.
Certain as the sun Rising in the east Tale as old
as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the Beast.
Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and
the Beast.
Off to the cupboard with you now, Chip. It's past your bedtime. Good night, love.
(Mrs. Potts
and Chip exit. Belle and the Beast on a bench.)
BEAST Thank you for asking me to dinner.
BELLE Dinner
was wonderful.
BEAST Belle, I…
BEAST Belle, are you happy here?
yes…everyone’s so kind. Mrs. Potts, Lumiere…
BEAST With me?
a long uncomfortable pause. Cogsworth and Lumiere enter.)
15a. Beast Lets Belle Go
BEAST I must speak from…
& COGSWORTH …the heart!
BEAST Is something wrong?
BELLE I was just thinking about my father.
I miss him so much. I wish I could see him again.
BEAST There is a way. This Mirror will show you anything…anything
you wish to see.
BELLE I’d like to see my father, please. Papa? Oh, no…Papa! Something’s
wrong! He’s in the woods! I think he’s lost… I should…I should…
BEAST (with difficulty)
Go to him.
BEAST You should go to him.
BELLE But what about…?
BEAST You’re
not my prisoner anymore. You haven’t been for a long time.
(She tries to return the Mirror but he pushes it
back toward her.)
Take it with you. So you’ll always have a way to look back…and remember me.
takes his hand briefly.)
BELLE I could never forget you.
(He holds her hand...almost desperately…as
if he’s waiting for her to say something more.)
BEAST Belle, I…
Go. Go.
(She turns and runs out. He watches her go.)
I’ll never see her again.
(Lumiere, Cogsworth
and Mrs. Potts enter.)
COGSWORTH Well, sire, I must say. Everything is going just swimmingly. I knew you had it
in you!
BEAST I let her go.
LUMIERE How could you do that?
had to.
(He doesn’t answer…then looks to Mrs. Potts.)
16. If I Can't
Love Her (Reprise)
MRS. POTTS After all this time, he’s finally learned to love.
it then! That should break the spell!
MRS. POTTS It’s not enough. She has to love him in return.
now it’s too late.
(They exit.)
BEAST: No spell has been broken No words have been spoken No
point anymore if she can't love me
No hope she would do so No dream to pursue, so I finally know that I will
always be In this hopeless state And condemned to wait – Wait for death to set me free.
Scene 5a:
Exterior Belle’s House Maurice, Belle
(Belle and Maurice enter.)
BELLE We’re finally home.
Rest here.
MAURICE I don’t know what happened. The last thing I remember I was falling…
were in the woods, papa. I thought I’d never find you…
MAURICE But the Beast? How did you escape?
didn’t escape. He let me go.
MAURICE He let you go? That terrible beast?
BELLE He’s not terrible.
In the beginning I was so frightened; I thought it was the end of everything…But somehow…things changed.
A Change in Me
BELLE I don’t know but I see him differently now.
(She looks around)
funny…when I look around…I see the world differently.
BELLE There's been a change in me A kind of
moving on Though what I used to be I still depend on For now I realize That good can come from bad That may
not make me wise But oh it makes me glad
And I – I never thought I'd leave behind My childhood dreams But
I don't mind For now I love the world I see No change of heart a change in me
For in my dark despair I slowly
understood My perfect world out there Had disappeared for good But in it's place I feel A truer life begin And
it's so good and real It must come from within
And I – I never thought I'd leave behind My childhood
dreams but I don't mind I'm where and who I want to be No change of heart A change in me
No change of heart
A change in me
Scene 5b: Exterior Belle’s House Maurice, Belle, Monsieur d’Arque, Gaston, Lefou,
(Monsieur d’Arque enters with a mob)
MONSEIUR D’ARQUE Good afternoon.
BELLE Monsieur
MONSEIUR D’ARQUE I’ve come to collect your father.
D’ARQUE Don’t worry. We’ll take good care of him.
BELLE My father’s not crazy!
was raving like a lunatic. We all heard him. (to the crowd) Didn’t we?
(They murmur their agreement)
D’ARQUE All right…come along quietly, now.
BELLE You can’t do this!
LEFOU Tell us
again, old man. Just how big was that beast?
MAURICE Well, he was enormous! He was at least eight…no, ore
like ten feet tall!
LEFOU You don’t get much crazier than that!
MAURICE It’s true…I
tell you!
(Monsieur D’Arque’s men move in and grab Maurice.)
What are you doing? Let go of me!
me Maurice…when did you first start having these delusions?
MAURICE It is not a delusion. The Beast was real!
And so was the talking clock!
(The crowd laughs as Gaston appears out of the shadows.)
GASTON Poor Belle.
It’s a shame about your father.
BELLE Gaston, you know he’s not crazy!
GASTON I might be
able to clear up this little misunderstanding if…
BELLE If what?
GASTON If you’ll marry me!
little word, Belle…that’s all it takes…
(He grabs her roughly and kisses her
on the lips. She pushes him away and slaps his face. He moves as if to retaliate. The crowd gasps.)
it your way! (to D’Arque) Take the ole man!
MAURICE Let got of me! Belle!
BELLE Wait! I can prove
my father’s not crazy!
(Everyone stops and looks up. Belle pulls the Magic Mirror out of the sack and holds it
up for all to see.)
(to the Mirror) Show me the Beast!
(The image of the Beast appears in the Magic Mirror.)
Show Me the Beast
MAURICE: That's him! That's him!
(The crowd gasps. D’Arque’s men release Maurice.
The townspeople are terrified.)
WOMAN: Is it dangerous?
BELLE: Oh, no. No, he'd never hurt anyone. I
know he looks frightful, but he's really kind and gentle. He's my friend.
GASTON: If I didn't know better, I'd
say you had feelings for this monster.
BELLE: He's no monster, Gaston. You are!
GASTON: She's as crazy
as the old man. She says this creature is her friend. Well, I've hunted wild beasts and I've seen what they can do.
whips the townspeople into a frenzy, transforming them into a wild angry mob.)
17. The Mob Song
Beast will make off with your children. He'll come after them in the night.
(The crowd gasps.)
would never do that!
GASTON: Forget the old man, I say we kill the Beast!
VILLAGERS: Kill him!
VILLAGER We're not safe until he's dead He'll come stalking us at night
FEMALE VILLAGER Set to sacrifice our
children to his monstrous appetite
D’ARQUE: He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free
it's time to take some action, boys It's time to follow me Through the mist, through the woods Through the darkness
and the shadows It's a nightmare but it's one exciting ride Say a prayer, then we're there At the drawbridge of a
castle And there's something truly terrible inside It's a beast! He's got fangs - Razor sharp ones! Massive paws,
killer claws for the feast Hear him roar! See him foam! But we're not coming home 'til he's dead-- Good and dead! Kill
the Beast!
BELLE: I won't let you do this! GASTON: Try and stop us!
BELLE: Papa, this is all
my fault. I have to go back and warn him.
MAURICE: I'm coming with you!
lost you once, I won't lose you again!
(Maurice and Belle exit.)
GASTON: We'll rid the village of this Beast.
Who's with me?
LEFOU: I am!
MOB: Light
your torch! Mount your horse!
GASTON: Screw your courage to the sticking place!
MOB: We're counting on
Gaston to lead the way!
FEMALE VILLAGERS: Through a mist, through a wood Where within a haunted castle Something's
lurking that you don't see ev'ry day!
MOB: It's a beast! One as tall as a mountain We won't rest 'til he's good
and deceased ALL Sally forth! Tally ho! Grab your sword! Grab your bow! Praise the Lord and here we go!
We’ll lay siege to the castle, and bring back his head!!!
MOB We don't like What we don't understand In
fact it scares us And this monster is mysterious at least Bring your guns! Bring your knives! Save your children
and your wives We'll save our village and our lives We'll kill the Beast!
GASTON: Take whatever booty you
can find. But remember, the Beast is MINE!
MOB: Hearts ablaze, banners high We go marching into battle Unafraid
although the danger just increased Raise the flag! Sing the song! Here we come, we're fifty strong And fifty Frenchmen
can't be wrong Let's kill the Beast! (BOOM!) Kill the Beast! (BOOM!) Kill the Beast (CRASH!) Kill the
Scene 6a: Castle Interior Gaston, Lefou, Mob, Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Babette, Objects
quiet inside. Gaston and the mob don’t notice anything as they pass through the foyer which is filled with silent Objects.)
place gives me the creeps.
LEFOU Well, it does!
GASTON Shut up!
LEFOU Gaston,
I want to go home!
17a. The Battle
(The whole castle seems to come alive as the Objects
descend on the unsuspecting villagers. Babette is chased by a villager.)
BABETTE Say, you’re cute.
VILLAGER Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ahhhh
BABETTE Oooooooh.
(Lumiere lights the Villager’s
pants on fire. The Villager runs off. Lumiere goes to the Beast.)
(Cogsworth appears chasing Villager.)
ho!!! Tally ho!!
LUMIERE Sacre Bleu! Pardonnez moi, Master…
BEAST Leave me in peace.
the castle is under attack!
BEAST It doesn’t matter now. Just let them come.
Potts enters with Chip in the teacart. Lefou sees them and crosses.)
MRS. POTTS You look like you could use a nice
cup of tea!
LEFOU Tea? Oh, thank you!
CHIP Here ya go!
(Chip spits tea in Lefou’s face)
POTTS Take that, you curvy scum!
(Mrs. Potts swings her spout, hitting Lefou. Lefou stumbles blindly as Mrs. Potts
exits with Chip.)
LEFOU Where did everybody go?
(Lefou crosses into Wardrobe, dressed as Brunhilde. She stuns
Lefou with a high note. Lefou turns and runs.)
(Gaston enters the West Wing and sees the Beast.)
17b. Fight
on the Tower
GASTON Ha! You’re even uglier in the flesh!
(The Beast looks at him, then turns away.
Gaston strides across the room and kicks him.)
GASTON Get up!
(The Beast groans but doesn’t fight back.)
the matter Beast? Too kind and gentle to fight back?
(Gaston punches the Beast.)
GASTON You were in love
with her, weren’t you, Beast?
(He laughs cruelly)
Oh, that’s a good one! Did you really think a
girl like that would want a thing like you? What a fool!
(Gaston continues to beat and kick the Beast.)
despises you Beast! And she sent me here to destroy you!
GASTON It’s over, Beast. Belle
is mine!
(Gaston tries to stab the Beast. Beast evades as Belle enters the West Wing)
and The Beast fight. Finally, the Beast grabs Gaston – ready to kill him.)
GASTON (desperate) Pull me up!
Pull me up!
(Alternate: Let me go! Let me go!)
I’m begging you!
(The Beast roars, prepared to kill
him. But he struggles with himself. He can’t do it...he’s too human now. He releases Gaston.)
out. Belle.
(Gaston sags…gasping for breath. The Beast moves towards Belle.)
BELLE I’m sorry…
came back.
BELLE Take my hand!
(But just as their hands meet, Gaston plunges a knife into the Beast’s
back. Gaston stabs him again. Gaston stumbles and falls to his death. We hear his long, anguished wail. The Beast staggers
toward Belle and collapses on the West Wing. Belle is holding the Beast in her arms.)
Scene 6b: Castle Interior Gaston,
Beast, Belle
18. Is This Home (Reprise)
BEAST: You came back
BELLE: (struggling with tears) Of
course I came back. I couldn’t let them… If only I'd come here sooner
BEAST: Maybe it's better this
BELLE: No! Don't talk like that. Everything will be fine!
BELLE Shhh…shhhh.
We’re together now. You’ll see.
BEAST: At least I get to see you one last -
BELLE: We are
home We are where we shall be forever Trust in me For you know I wont run away From today This is all that
I need And all that I need to say is... Don't you know how you've changed me Strange how I fin'lly see I found
home You're my home Stay with…
Scene 6c: Castle Interior Belle, Prince, Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, Cogsworth,
Babette, Wardrobe, Chip, Ensemble
19. Transformation/Finale
BEAST (gasps) Belle…I…
BELLE (sobbing)
- Yes?
(He dies.)
BELLE: No! No, please! Don't leave me! I love you.
(She collapses on his chest.)
the last petal falls. There’s a long moment…filled with the sound of Belle’s sorrow. The Beast transforms
in to the Prince…He turns to Belle and holds out his hand.)
PRINCE: Belle, look into my eyes! Belle, don't
you recognize The beast within the man Who's here before you?
BELLE: (She looks closer) It is you!
kiss…the kiss that’s been waiting for so long. Mrs. Potts, Lumiere and Cogsworth enter. They have transformed
into people!)
MRS. POTTS Oh my! Oh goodness me!
LUMIERE Mrs. Potts!
COGSWORTH What’s happening
LUMIERE (kisses Cogsworth) Cogsworth!
COGSWORTH Stop it! Stop that!
LUMIERE The spell
is broken!
LUMIERE We’re human again!
COGSWORTH Lumiere! Come here! (He
kisses Lumiere)
LUMIERE Stop it! Stop that!
(The Prince runs to them.)
PRINCE Mrs. Potts!
PRINCE Lumiere!
Cogsworth! Oh, my Cogsworth!
(Belle comes over and takes the Prince’s hand)
Let’s go find your father!
go off.)
COGSWORTH Who was that young man?
LUMIERE The Prince!
COGSWORTH No it wasn’t!
it was!
COGSWORTH No it wasn’t!
LUMIERE It most certainly was!
(Babette enters. She’s
back to her voluptuous self.)
BABETTE Yoohooo! Bonjour, Handsome.
LUMIERE Babette! You look so…much
BABETTE What do you mean? I thought you like the way I looked before.
LUMIERE I did…it’s
just…I like you better this way.
BABETTE Then you were lying to me.
LUMIERE No…I wasn’t.
BABETTE Yes, you were!
LUMIERE No…I wasn’t.
BABETTE Yes, you were!
maybe a little. BABETTE (sexily) Lumiere…I like you better this way too.
(She giggles. He chases her off.
Wardrobe enters. She’s transformed into a diva once again. She strikes a pose and clears her throat.)
I say that you look ravishing!
WARDROBE Thank you, Cogsworth. Do you like the gown? I simply can’t believe
it fits me again…after all these years.
COGSWORTH It’s magnificence in excelsius.
you know…I wore this the night I performed at the Royal Opera? The King himself was there…
know my dear. You were wonderful.
WARDROBE Oh, Cogsworth!
(They exit.)
CHIP (offstage) Mama!
MRS. POTTS Chip! (tearfully) Oh my boy…my boy!
(Chip, the little boy, runs across the stage
to greet his mother who bends down and gathers him in her arms.)
CHIP Are they gonna live happily ever after, Mama?
POTTS Of course, my dear. Of course. CHIP Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard?
(Belle and the Beast
come together and begin to Dance)
BELLE/PRINCE: Two lives have begun now Two hearts become one now One passion,
one dream One thing forever true I love you!
ALL: Certain as the sun Rising in the east Tale as old
as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the Beast.
Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and
the Beast.